Golden Week in Japan is a delightful time of year, marked by a collection of four national holidays within seven days.
Here are the holidays:
- Showa Day (昭和の日): On April 29, Japan celebrates the birthday of former Emperor Showa, who passed away in 1989. Until 2006, this day was also known as Greenery Day.
- Constitution Day ((憲法記念日): May 3 commemorates the implementation of Japan’s postwar constitution in 1947.
- Greenery Day (みどりの日): Formerly celebrated on April 29, this day now falls on May 4. It’s dedicated to the environment, as Emperor Showa had a deep love for plants and nature.
- Children’s Day (子供の日): On May 5, families celebrate the Boy’s Festival (Tango no Sekku). They hang up carp streamers and display samurai dolls, symbolizing strength, power, and success for their sons. The Girl’s Festival is celebrated on March 3.
During Golden Week, trains, airports, and tourist spots get crowded, so planning ahead is essential. Accommodation in popular areas can book out well in advance. In 2024, the weekends create a 3-day and a 4-day holiday period, with peak travel activity expected on May 3, 5, and 6.
Enjoy your Golden Week!
The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage.
They do not represent the opinions of Sesame Global English.
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